Servizi per la sicurezza sul lavoro Monza Brianza

Area riservata FAD

Safety at work

Workplace safety services

Corporate consultancy on safety in the workplace

BLUMEN Srl deals with corporate services in the specific field of safety in the workplace, and with a large staff of employees and external professionals, it   aims to provide consultancy, training and total assistance to companies and to best satisfy the various management and organizational needs.

We therefore propose ourselves as the sole interlocutor for companies and public bodies, and we are able to guarantee maximum reliability and effectiveness of the proposed solutions, thus relieving the companies themselves of energy that they will be able to use in their core business.

One of our commitments is dedicated to the field of training, creating inter-company courses (in the catalog for trade associations) and corporate courses (on a project basis for individual companies) for all the figures deriving from Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments, in order to promote the culture of CORPORATE SAFETY.

  • Workplace safety consultancy and training

    • WE SATISFY every need of our customers in terms of quality of the service and safeguarding safety.
    • WE ENSURE full compliance with the regulations in force in the workplace safety sector.
    • WE ORGANIZE training courses for staff, providing optimal preparation to guarantee a safe working environment.
    • WE ARE COMMITTED to offering the most innovative workplace safety solutions at competitive costs.
Informazioni utili

Benvenuti da Blumen
Benvenuti da Blumen

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BLUMEN srl | PI: 09659330964 | cap. soc. i.v.: 30.000 €
Registered office: Via G. Mazzini, 1 - 20030 Senago (MI)
Operational headquarters: Viale Rimembranze 21/7 - 20020 Lainate (MI)
T. 02.9372609 - M.

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Register of Accredited Training Operators of the Lombardy Region ID 2349255 – N°1080/2018
Creative Studio